FF (Feel Fluent) provides free access to virtual classes (classroom) where to practice a new language through audio/video/chat interaction with other users



Classrooms are catalogued by language preparation level and are available h24/day; Classrooms can accommodate up to 6 users who can access them at any time and practice for the time they deem appropriate.


Language levels

There are 4 language levels to be practiced.

  • Basic: The user understands and uses basic sentences to interact and meet daily needs (who they are, how do you call, where you live, what you do, how old are you, what about your school, ..).
  • Medium: The user can interact by exposing sentences based on a simple vocabulary.
  • High: The user can interact with a certain degree of fluency and spontaneity by exposing sentences based on an extensive vocabulary.
  • Native: The user manages all situations and arguments in a confident way using a fluent language that is similar to mother tongue


How to access to the levels higher than yours

  • Medium: It can be accessed by Basis-Level Users who want to promote an upgrade of their language skills.
  • High: It can be access by Medium-Level Users who want to promote an upgrade of their language skills. It is forbidden to Basis-Level Users.
  • Native: It can be acceded by High-Level Users who want to promote an upgrade of their language skills. It is forbidden to Medium and Basis Levels Users



In order to use FF the registration is required. During this phase, the user provides a number of useful data to create his own profile. Specifically, you’ll be asked to select the language level among the four available and even if you can modify it later you have to select the level closest to your own interaction capabilities


Conversation Booking

To access rooms you need to book (here). Through the calendar you will be able to know when conversations for language and level of interest are planned and book them. It is possible to book multiple conversations in different days and times. To remember your schedule, access your personal calendar. The calendar provides many opportunities for conversation by language and level of interest. Conversations are based on different categories with the sole purpose of creating a common ground for conversation but users are free to move the discussion on any topic they want to deal with.


Conduct Ethics

FF has set its mission on principles of professionalism, transparency and ethical behaviors. FF is a free platform and does not control conversations therefore requires respect between users and collaboration with platform referrals by reporting unwanted users that take undeclared and / or dangerous behaviors. Platform administrators will not be responsible for such behaviors but are available to provide any support to identify and disable unwanted users. The first alert will be used to invoke the wrong user. From the second alert, FF administrators will open an investigation to ascertain the facts and take the necessary countermeasures to prevent unpleasant behavior from appearing again.


Not yet registered? Continue with the registration!